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Jak wybrać perfekcyjną nazwę domeny

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Ot, kilka ogólnych porad dotyczących wyboru dobrej nazwy domeny:


1. Use your business name. That is, of course, if it's available. If your company is Rocky Mountain Candy, your domain should be "rockymountaincandy.com." That may seem obvious, but it's a point worth reiterating. Customers will automatically assume your domain is YourBusinessName.com and type it into a Web browser. If they can't find it that way, it will make it harder for them to find you.


2. Be prepared for a challenge. By this point in the game, many of the best domain names have been snapped up, years ago. Generic names like cars.com, sex.com or art.com were among the first to go, and are now worth millions of dollars. Unless your company has an extremely unique name, you may be in for lengthy brainstorming sessions with your business partners as you consider alternatives. When Gary Pudles was lining up URLs for his company, he was asked to pay $50,000 for his company's name (www.answernet.com), which had been registered by another party who instantly realized the value of the domain when Pudles first came calling (Pudles ultimately had his marketing manager call as an individual to buy the domain for $5,000).


3. Always use dot.com. ;) Having a .com at the end of your URL is not only expected for companies, it also indicates a degree of professionalism that extensions such as .org, us, .info, etc. don't carry, according Jerry West, Director of Marketing for WebMarketingNow.


4. Keep it simple. Shorter names are easier to remember than longer ones. They also lend themselves better to radio and televisions advertisements and are less prone to typing errors. You'll get tired of repeating "MyOverlyComplexDomainName.com." Also, avoid dashes and other symbols, as well as obscure acronyms. "Consider how your domain name sounds when you have to read it over the phone to a customer. If you have to explain special characters, abbreviations, or spelling, then you've got a problem," West advises.


5. Register alternatives. Just as Gary Pudles expanded his roster of URLs to include others that potential customers might type in, you should consider the same for your business. Doing so will keep customers from stumbling across a competitor's website. Most registrars forward secondary domains to your main URL for free.


6. Register your trademarks. If your company makes a hair product called "CurlNGo," buy the domain name CurlNGo.com (as well as CurlAndGo.com, for that matter).


7. Consider keywords. Buy additional domain names containing keywords that reflect your line of products or services and redirect them to your main site. This will improve your search engine rankings and bring you new customers. When doing online research, users tend to type in generic keywords such as "barbeque restaurant Atlanta" or "hair gel." To find the best keywords for your line of business, try Overture's inventory or WordTracker tools.


8. Use it. Let everyone know your URL: Incorporate it into mailers, television spots, business cards, and letterhead. The more you use it, the more people will remember it and visit your site.


9. Don't lose it. This is the most crucial point of all. If you run a successful business and fail to re-register your domain name on time, chances are good that a prospector will snap it up as soon as it expires. If this happens, you may be forced to buy back your domain at a high price from the domain squatter. To avoid this scenario, register your domain for as long as possible -- Network Solutions sells 100-year registrations -- and choose to have the registrar automatically renew your domain each year by keeping your credit card information on file.



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Czy na nazwy mają wpływ trendy, moda? Wiadomo, że moda szybko się zmienia. Czy modne nazwy się sprawdzają?

Z zasady nie. Jest tak, jak pani zauważyła – nasz biznes powinien trwać, a moda szybko się zmienia. Kiedyś modne były nazwy zakończone na „ex”, potem iCośtam, e-Cośtam. Wszystkie przeminęły z wiatrem. Oczywiście, nad niejedną polską firmą nadal powiewa flaga „Ziutex”, ale dziś jest karykaturą „zachodniego” wrażenia, jakie miała sprawiać 20 lat temu. Uleganie modzie to najlepsza metoda doprowadzenia się do konieczności zmiany nazwy, gdy tylko trend się odwraca.


Bankier.pl: Co kryje się za nazwą?

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Zawsze bardziej podobały mi się .comy bardziej uniwersalne.


mnie się, źle kojarzy końcówka .com jeśli sama domena ma charakter lokalny, natomiast w przypadku nazw nic nie znaczących jak najbardziej

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